How does the body control the vaginal microflora?

 How does the body control the vaginal microflora?

Hormonal system

The number and composition of microflora is controlled by the hormonal background: when it changes, the number of receptors on the surface of epithelial cells to which bacteria can attach changes. In the same way, the rate of renewal of vaginal mucosal epithelium is controlled mainly by hormonal background.

Immune system

Controls the microflora through the secretion of IgA antibodies. On the surface of the cells of the vaginal mucosa, this immunoglobulin prevents bacteria from attaching to the epithelial cells, which prevents bacteria from entering the cell or the layers of the mucosal epithelium. During infectious inflammation, an army of white blood cells immediately advances into the lumen of the vagina to destroy the pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora that caused the inflammation.

Properties of lactobacilli

Naturally, most bacteria that have colonized the vaginal mucosa seek to create an environment that would be most favorable for their own development and unsuitable for the reproduction and development of competitors. Thanks to the ability of lactobacilli to secrete hydrogen peroxide, a sufficiently acidic environment is created, which is not suitable for many pathogenic bacteria.

What is vaginosis?

Vaginosis is a disorder of the composition of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa that does not cause an inflammatory reaction. The clinical symptoms of this disorder can vary from the complete absence of symptoms Bacterial vaginosis no more review, to a pronounced discharge with an unpleasant odor, with a feeling of itching and discomfort.

The pelvic floor muscles in women

 The pelvic floor muscles in women are located between the pubic area and the coccyx, thus covering the main reproductive organs. Such a muscular frame allows not only maintaining the natural position of internal el

ements, but also increases erogenous sensitivity, as well as controlling the processes of urination and defecation. Muscle tissue weakness leads to the following problems: Anorgasmia. Characterized by an almost complete loss of sensitivity and an inability to experience orgasms with natural sexual stimulation. Prolapse or prolapse of the uterus. It is a consequence of displacement of the bottom of the uterine organ beyond the vaginal opening - below the proper anatomical mark. Urinary incontinence. Due to a decrease in elasticity, the muscle tissues are unable to restrain urination in such basic situations as coughing, sneezing, walking or exercising. Abdominal pain. Severe pain affecting the area below the abdomen, which occurs due to a decrease in normal muscle tone. As a consequence, chronic diseases can develop. According to modern studies, weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor is observed in 20% of young girls aged 21-29 years old and 55% of women aged 30-40 years old. At the age of 45 and older, the pathology occurs in more than 75% of cases. If there is no timely treatment, the weakness progresses and causes more severe complications.

read more at V-core Lift Essential Program For Women's Pelvic Floor Health review

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